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Responsible persons, picture credits, liability

Legal Notice

ConnectedCare GmbH
Orkotten 65
D-48291 Telgte

Telephone: +49 25 04 73 37-0
Fax: +49 25 04 73 37-190
E-mail: info@connectedcare.net

General Manager: Ralf Lietzow

Register Court: Münster District Court
Register number: HRB 9183
VAT ID-No.: DE 811962697
WEEE-Reg.Nr.: DE 15882904
Registrierungsnummer gemäß § 9 VerpackG: DE3785698995307-V

Responsible for contents: Ralf Lietzow


Picture credits


All Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed under CC BY 3.0
and Font Awesome Free from www.fontawesome.com, licensed under SIL CC BY 4.0 License.



In spite of careful content control, we accept no liability for the content of external links. For the content of the links on our pages exclusively the relative operator is responsible.

The illustrations and descriptions of ConnectedCare products on these web pages may differ from the appearance and specifications of the actual product, e.g. due to product changes and improvements, even if ConnectedCare makes every effort to update the pages. The information to be found on these web pages is not warranted characteristics but advertising statements. The derivation of claims from these advertising statements (e.g. according to § 434 para. 1 p. 3 BGB) is excluded. If appearance and/or specifications are essential for you, please ask before purchasing a product. Any warranties of properties by ConnectedCare shall be made exclusively separately in writing for the individual case.